Monday, March 10, 2008

New ROTJ Rocket Dart Launcher Version 1.0

"What?" you ask, "even the Dart launchers are different between the two costumes?" They most certainly are. To the naked eye they are identical, but looking closer they do look just a little different, don't they?

I had these made the same way I made the ESB launchers. I traced a photo scaled to 1:1 and made blueprints of them. I sent them off to Russel Brown and he machined them for me.

New ESB Rocket Dart Launchers Version 3.0

Well obviously my first set were resin that came with my M. Bradly Knee Armor. The were O.K. for what they were, but they were resin, and home made. I later upgraded to a new set, machined from Aluminum, made by Russel Brown. I bought them off eBay, but when they arrived, I could not help but notice how tiny they were. Nice, but small. So not quite what I was looking for. I then took it upon myself to design the Dart Launchers they way I wanted them to be.

I imported the reference photos of the real costume into MicroStaion, and was able to trace over the photo and scale it to what I believe to be a 1:1. I then made workable blueprints and sent the plans off to Russel Brown to make me a pair of dart launchers that I was hopping for. So he did. May I introduce to you, Dart Launchers 3.0